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Science of Reading:
The Podcast

Science of Reading: The Podcast delivers the latest insights from researchers and practitioners in early reading. Each episode takes a conversational approach and explores a timely topic related to the Science of Reading.

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Meet Our Host: Susan Lambert

In each episode, host Susan Lambert, chief academic officer of elementary humanities at èAV, explores the increasing body of scientific research about how reading is best taught. As a former classroom teacher, administrator, and curriculum developer, Susan has special interests in turning theory into best practices that educators can use in the classroom and showcasing national models of reading instruction excellence.

Special miniseries

This special miniseries dedicated to multilingual/English learners (ML/ELs)! Host Susan Lambert will chat with leading researchers and practitioners about how the Science of Reading supports ML/ELs and why this is so important. Through exploration of the key research and enlightening discussions, Susan and guests will discuss the optimal use of the Science of Reading to enhance students’ classroom experiences and overall learning journeys.

  • Summer '24 Interlude: How effective coaching transformed Mississippi, with Kelly Butler and Margaret Goldberg

    In this episode, Susan Lambert talks with Kelly Butler and Margaret Goldberg about their experiences and insights into improving reading instruction, particularly in Mississippi and California. Kelly discusses her work with the Barksdale Reading Institute, its impact on reading education, and the importance of coaching and structured literacy. Margaret shares her experiences as a coach in California, the challenges of teacher training, and the importance of having a clear and effective literacy plan that includes acquiring high-quality data and using it to inform all your strategies. Both guests emphasize the need for systemic change and the role of community involvement in educational success.

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  • Episode 6: Curating a confident classroom for multilingual learners, with Arturo Valadez Sáenz

  • Episode 5: Serving every student, in every seat, speaking any language, with Genie Baca

  • Episode 4: Practical strategies for multilingual learning, with Diane August, Ph.D.

  • Episode 3: Diagnosing dyslexia in multilingual learners, with Francisco Usero-González

  • Episode 2: Nurturing multilingualism, with Jim Cummins, Ph.D.

  • Episode 1: Language is always an asset, with Kajal Patel Below

  • Sneak peek: A miniseries on multilingual and English learners
